Plan - Prepare - Update - Organize
"The most precious gift you can give your family is the gift of being prepared."
~ Stacey Golden-Lisnock - Your Financial Advocate ~
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"Got It Together Now!" Course
Easily complete your Emergency Info File with our
structured course, guidance, and accountability.
Go from this
stack of outdated and disorganized documents
To this organized
Welcome to
Got It Together Now!
My name is Stacey Golden-Lisnock and I am the founder of Got It Together Now!
I am so glad you found us. It is our BIG goal to help people to be better prepared for life's events by having all legal and personal documents up-to-date and in one place. Over my 30+ years in the financial services industry, I have witnessed so much unnecessary chaos when someone becomes ill, has an accident, or passes away.
The purpose of this company is to provide resources that will empower people to take action, have the "hard" conversations, and be prepared in advance of a health crisis or death.
After suffering a health issue in 2018, it became painfully obvious that I was not ready if someone needed to step in and handle my affairs. It can be a bitter pill to swallow sometimes (facing one's mortality), I get it. However, the fact remains that most of us have been a bit on the slacky side to getting this stuff done.
If this message is resonating with you, then you are in the right place. Welcome! We have some good stuff for you right here. Because I am sharing my knowledge and research, you can finally get this done and be on your way to living without the nagging voice reminding you.....
To your success,
This Is The Course To Get It Done.
Got It Together Now!
Course Outline
The purpose of the EIF program is simply this -
If you should have a health crisis, accident, or pass away TODAY,
your family or chosen representative would be able
to easily handle your affairs or be able to settle your estate
without having to spend excessive time and money.
This is a true act of LOVE for your family. And since no one really knows
how much time we have before this information
will be urgently needed, we encourage you to get this done ASAP
Module 1
Estate Planning
Critical section to provide decision making and transacting, on your behalf, as simple as possible
Module 2
Insurance Policies & Beneficiary Review
Get a handle on your insurance, who are your beneficiaries, and some basic benefits
Credit and Debt
Provide needed details for payments to stay current in your absence - personal and business
Module 4
Investments & Retirement Accounts || Real Estate & Bank Titles
Titling is key to easy transfer and access for your biggest assets
Module 5
Internet Assets,
Log In, and Legacy
Provide access and direction of your online accounts and social media
Module 6
Budgeting and Planning
Create your monthly budget to be easily followed
Module 7
Final Plans
Make decisions on the most important issues that are stressful for family members to have to make without your input
"I Believe I Have My Personal and Legal Estate in Order"
Even if you have your estate in order and your personal and legal documents are
up-to- date and organized, this course is still recommended.
Because your plans need an
annual review and
conversations with your chosen personal advocate repeated
PLUS, things change and
that's a fact!
I have seen many mistakes and
due to out-dated
and missing information.
NOT ONLY THAT, but I am certain you will discover a thing or two
that you have not taken
into consideration.
By taking the Got It Together Now- Emergency Info File course
you gain access to a community
of professionals offering
their knowledge, resources, & tips.
-Stacey Golden-Lisnock,
Founder, Got It Together Now!
Bottom Line...We want you to succeed.
This course will guide you through the steps
to go from unprepared to very prepared.
Your kids and family will have
everything they need to greatly
reduce stress and pressure
when looking for needed
paperwork WHEN
crisis hits home.
Their focus can be on people,
NOT paperwork.
Ages and Stages of Life
Find yourself in these photos
Golden Years
Young Couples/Singles
Young Families
Your Children
Special Needs
Mature Family
Your Pets
Aging Parents & Communications
Your FREE Universal Advance Digital Directive (UADD)
My Directives is offering an amazing program and cloud vault absolutely free to use. The Advance Directive is a vital document and everyone 18 and older should have one in place. The cloud vault also allows for additional documents to be stored there ie, your trust document.
Got It Together Now
18627 Brookhurst St., #350
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Copyright 2020-2025 Stacey Golden-Lisnock