Written by Stacey Golden-Lisnock
Financial Advocate
Good to know that we are not at fault, do you agree? No one wants to take
the blame, yet every day people are falling ill or are injured in an accident, or
take their final breath and leave a mess behind for their loved ones to deal
The ones left holding the bag, not knowing what to do or who to call can
suffer a myriad of emotions. First, there is sadness and mourning, but that is
quickly surrendered to the urgent decision-making that must be handled.
There are major decisions that have to be made rather quickly.
Have you ever been in this situation? Many have and can tell you the
nightmare that they lived and are still living because of the unfortunate
situation they are put in due to the (often) unexpected turn of events.
Yesterday was wonderful, today can be a total disaster with no end in sight. It happens that fast.
Don’t wait until it is too late for you to learn:
• Why most people die unprepared
• Why terminal illness is not a motivator to becoming prepared
• Who are the real losers when the departed leave a mess
My name is Stacey Golden-Lisnock and I am passionate about helping people to be prepared in advance of any situation that could leave their families in a chaotic frenzy.
All across the world, people are living with the consequences of poor planning or no planning in regards to a change in health or the passing of a loved one.
In my role as a financial advocate, I’ve helped many people to get a better understanding of why they should be prepared. It does first take understanding before any action can take place.
Our society (in general) prefers to resist the conversation around death and dying. Apparently, in the old days when people routinely died in the home, it was a
reality that every family faced. Now with hospice, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and modern medicine, people have been sheltered from this reality of
I think it is very unfortunate that we don’t learn about this in school, at home it can be taboo, and on the job, there is no time for people to expire (the show must go on). We certainly don’t spend our free time researching and discovering the “what-if’s” to not being here or becoming incapacitated. Who does that????
We tend to turn a blind eye to the reality that bad stuff happens in life. Somehow by not being prepared we are saying it won’t happen to me. All this while every night on the evening news we are subjected to others people’s misfortune and are thankful we dodged that bullet.
As a financial professional with over 30 years of planning experience in the financial services industry, I’ve seen how people seem to think that time is unlimited and the best time to get stuff taken care of is tomorrow.
Procrastination is a popular habit but the good news is a habit can be broken. We all procrastinate and I am guilty, too.
Sometimes we are lucky and get a wake-up call! That’s what happened to me.
On December 31st, 2017 the urgent visit doctor believed I could have a life-threatening syndrome and I was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance.
Prior to this incident I also preferred to believe there was plenty of time to get certain “things” done. The “things” I am speaking of are those legal documents, personal wishes, and the serious conversations with our loved ones that we don’t expect to need for many years.
We hate to imagine a scenario where we can’t be there for our favorite people but take a moment now to do just that.
Would they be left to mourn in peace or would they be thrust into the stressful situation of trying to get your affairs in order?
Would they know what type of funeral you would want?
Would they know how to access all of the bills and accounts to be resolved?
If the answer is NO, as it is for most of us…without help are you going to have all your documents organized so that you and your family can be better prepared in the event of a health crisis, accident, or death?
Is this something you’d like to accomplish?
Does peace of mind sound like a good result?
How would you answer these questions?
Are you someone who:
• Is aware that there is a big gap in your legacy plan - or no plan at all?
• Would like to take control of the legacy you leave behind?
• Wants to have peace of mind around the future of your family?
• Doesn’t want to leave a chaotic mess behind?
• Doesn’t want the family taking sides or fighting over your estate?
What did you say? If you said, “YES” that’s a running start, and peace of mind is on order. If you said no, please reread until you answer “yes” for your legacy’s sake.
Because of my personal story combined with my years as a financial planner I’ve been fortunate to be able to teach others what I have learned.
I put together a program for people who care about having the important things ready before they become urgent. Just follow the plan. You’ll get important legal and personal information current and complete once and for all.
I realize we each have unique situations and even the family dynamic is a big piece of the puzzle.
It is not your fault that this is not mainstream information.
It is not your fault that you are not organized and your documents are outdated or non-existent.
There is no one to blame, but you do have a decision to make.
Whether you realize it or not we all are creating our legacy and without taking any action to be prepared in advance of a health crisis, accident, or death, you’ve made a decision to leave a disorganized mess for someone else to deal with.
And that is NOT the definition of a stress-free legacy.
If this article motivated you to learn more on this topic, please send me a text (714-709-2027) and I will gift you a 30-minute consultation to determine where you are in the process of having the best possible legacy for your family. There is no obligation to work with me, and I may be able to give you valuable insight and resources during our time together.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. It may be the most important thing you did today.
Visit www.GotItTogetherNow.com
cell/text: 714-709-2027
email: gitnow123@gmail.com
Stacey Golden-Lisnock is a Financial Advocate who is dedicated to helping people to leave a stress-free legacy. Prior to creating the Got It Together Now! – Emergency Info File Course, she was a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) for over 30 years. After being ill in 2018, she changed her focus from Financial Advisor to Financial Advocate. She enjoys educating people and motivating them to take action on important topics. She hosts a weekly podcast, Legacy Therapy.
Got It Together Now! – Emergency Info File Course:
Just 7 modules with structure, guidance, and accountability. You’ll get important legal and personal information current and complete once and for all.